About Academy Education

 Providing School and Student Management Solutions all over Australia








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Academy Education has been providing Student Attendance and Parent SMS text messaging Systems to Primary and Secondary Schools nationally for over 14 years, interfacing with all of the major government and non- government school adminisntration and timetabling packages.

The Academy software package helps streamline the capture of student attendance data by teachers in the classroom and front office, as well as providing many other modules for helping staff record, alert and capture student behaviour and pastoral care information in schools. The software is used on school network connected devices in classrooms, libraries, staffrooms, and school service offices or on an excursion via various data collection strategies.


 Contact Academy Education today to discuss how we can tailor a solution for your school needs. 

Instant Benefits

› Save time and improve data accuracy
› Improved real-time attendance records

We aim is to give schools options and choices for Attendance and Student Management.
Academy has been interfacing with existing School Administration Systems for over 8 years!

Front Office - Student Services

› Save 1-2 hours a day manually adjusting records in existing School Admin Systems and on Paper Rolls
› Replace traditional Late sign in books
› Reduces data errors from Teachers and Front Office changing each other’s data entry
› Improved accuracy of data for SMS Communications
› Allow Late Arrivals and Early Departures to be conducted electronically through Front Office, Swipe Machines/ Student Kiosks located in various school areas
› Full set of reports to compliment exisating School Admin Systems
› Tailored reports for targeted attendance policies
› Uniform Policy Reports and recording
› Record meetings with Executive/Leadership Staff electronically

Teacher Roll Marking  / Communication Portal

› Ability to use Paper Rolls / Computers / Laptops / iPads /Smart Phones / Interactive Whiteboards
› Take class rolls electronically
› Photos of students are displayed for ease of recognition ie Relief Teachers
› Teacher can see student late arrivals at the front office or Sick Bay / Music Centre in real time when marking rolls
› View Teacher and Student Timetables
› Real time Daily Attendance Reports
› Term Subject Attendance Reports
› View Students Attendance Record
› View Parent Contact Details
› Optional Uniform Breach Recording
› Optional Late to Class Recording
› Optional Good Standing Module for Attendance and Academic outcome tracking
› Optional Sick Bay / Music Centre / Library / Study Area Recording Systems also available



Academy Education Solutions
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The information contained on this web site is believed to be reliable and while every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, ACADEMY EDUCATION SOLUTIONS disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness for any particular purpose. This includes but is not limited to information provided by any third party which is accessed through this site via a hyperlink.

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Any reference to specific products, companies, or services does not necessarily constitute or imply recommendation or endorsement by the owner of this site, ACADEMY EDUCATION SOLUTIONS.


  Academy System Features    

 academy student management roll marking sis edsas compatible system

web attendance

barchart icon90

real-time reporting

 staff automated alerts student attendance management sms system

staff alerts

 calendar icon


 mail icon

email notifications

 chat icon

instant message

 compose icon

record incidents

 document icon

parent letters

 smartphone icon

sms parent alert

 gear icon

system integration